Saturday, January 4, 2014

knowing our communications

  Do I mean what I say or what I hope others will perceive? It’s fascinating, the ways we communicate. When we speak, the words we say are automatically interpreted on several levels and may be understood even more fully by those with special insight. Even the way I didn’t capitolize my title says something. As does the fact that I used the wrong capitalize. Or was it what I intended to use? 
  A person says what he means, but there are shadings of tone and inflection that we subconsciously analyze. Sometimes we say the exact opposite of what we really mean, yet everyone understands. Sometimes we say the opposite of what we mean and don’t realize that we did, and neither do others (though a few may). I think that is how I relate to God sometimes-I ask for something when I really don’t want it with all my heart, or want something different. I might pray “your will be done” and mean, “make it look like your will is being done, but just let me _________ and don’t make me stop ______, then everyone can be happy.”  
   I’ve wondered how life would be if there were nothing to be interpreted in our interactions as humans or of man with God. Sometimes, in confused moments, I think it would be nice; but then I realize that it would be boring. We were created to explore that mystery all our lives and never fully understand. If everything were clearly laid out, what would be left? Is it even possible to have a true understanding of something that you haven’t exerted any effort to understand? It has been a long and difficult process to gain insight into some of the things that I now understand best. Drives me crazy sometimes. That’s part of it. I wrestle, I despair, persist, and eventually, I understand. 
  In my Journey to God, this process is harder because I’m logic and tangibles oriented. It is difficult for me to wrap my mind around things that can’t be seen, and sometimes, can’t even be felt. I’ve gained the realization that if the mind is all there is, then I am a desperate and despairing creature. Praise God, there is more. There is faith, the substance of things hoped for, the essence of things not seen, and by it, I can live in hope and love.  Logic tells me logic is not enough.

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking. I often wonder how one learns to manipulate. How do we figure it out? Even at a young age it can be seen. I often wish that there was no "personal choice". Life would be so much easier and less complicated. But as you said it would be BORING. What would be left to be complicated about life if everything communicated was understood without a bit of struggle?
    Congratulations on the new blog! I love it! I hope this still means you'll guest post for me sometimes.
